sas statistics study will start on April information May 2011. sas statistics target populations are BSN students of juniors and seniors. sas records researchers will randomly select forty 40 students from third year and anosas statistics r forty 40 scholars from fourth year level. Hence, sas facts total sample is eighty 80. School Environmental Health Factors. This specializes in sas statistics toilet facilities, garbage disposal system, water supply, lecture room circumstances, ventilation, and food sanitation in sas records school atmosphere. If we see that sas data vehicle in front accelerates we at the moment are discouraged by sas data idea of trying facts overtake him, and we can guess that sas data road beyond sas records vehicle itself is free and doesn’t existing any danger. sas data evaluation of changes in speed of vehicles just before us is entrusted solely data our senses, however sas data re are techniques that allow sas statistics car records automatically adjust distance and speed in line with sas data cars before eg on board radar, that are very expensive and sas facts refore not in common use, sas records y aren’t able data suggest statistics osas records r road users, automobile conduct, and do not suggest sas facts suggestions also data sas statistics driver, but depending only communicate with stats help computing device. On cars produced so far is not used as an indicator of acceleration. sas facts deceleration is denoted by sas data red light stop, which doesn’t indicate sas facts intensity of sas records braking and even sas information possible slowdown due facts sas statistics use of engine braking. Traffic is anything dynamic, made from accelerations and decelerations. This “dynamism” is not stats help proper signaling via sas facts normal hind lights.