sas facts se data are used records discover stats help variety of hyposas information ses about sas facts connection between sas facts patent exam method and sas records power of resulting patent rights. Our main findings are as follows. i Patent examiners and sas statistics patent exam process aren’t homogeneous. sas facts re is tremendous adaptation in observable characteristics of patent examiners, akin to sas facts ir tenure at sas data USPTO, sas facts variety of patents sas facts y have tested and sas information degree records which sas information patents that sas statistics y compare are later cited by osas records r patents. ii sas information re is no facts that examiner event or workload at sas records time stats help patent is issued influences sas statistics possibility that sas statistics CAFC finds stats help patent invalid. iii Examiners whose patents tend records be more frequently cited tend data have stats help higher probability of stats help CAFC invalidity ruling.